10 Steps to Get Involved



Reflect On Your Interests

Assess your career goals, short-term and long-term aspirations, and existing interests to identify research disciplines that may be a good fit.


Determine Availability

For the period you wish to conduct research, consider how much time your schedule allows you to dedicate to research (weekly hours, semesters, etc.). Remember to consider:

  • Courses
  • Commute (particularly if research interests are on the medical campus)
  • Employment
  • Student Organizations
  • Pre-Professional Entrance Exams

Note: UGR cannot refer students who are not able to commit to at least six hours each week.



Explore Opportunities

UGR keeps an internal database to help connect students with research mentors that appear to be a close match. However, students can familiarize themselves with the wide array of research projects by reviewing the RCIF Abstract Books, attending UConnect events, speaking with course faculty, etc.
RCIF Abstract Books UConnect


Review and Prepare Documents

We advise that you review the sample application and update the required documents as necessary to minimize delays in referring your application to mentors.
Sample Application Sample CV Toppel Resume Resources



Visit With UGR Staff

Students are able to contact or stop by the office at any time; however, UGR recommends students first familiarize themselves with the application process, identify a few research areas of interest, update required documents, and bring a list of questions or concerns to discuss.
Contact Us


Complete Application

It is recommended that students complete the application in its entirety at one time; therefore, please review the sample application once more before beginning the online application.

Note: Applications are specific to the semester you wish to start research. 

Apply Now


Your application has been submitted! Now what?




Check Your Inbox

UGR will contact you by email should staff have any questions regarding your application. If everything looks good, UGR will begin referring your application to potential mentors within a few days of it being received. 

Please be patient as UGR receives hundreds of applications annually and it often takes mentors some time to respond due to their schedules.


Contact Mentor(s)

UGR will notify you that a mentor(s) has agreed to an interview and provide their contact information. It is the students' responsibility to arrange a meeting time by sending a concise and personalized email. 

If needed, follow up. UGR recommends students wait at least one week before reaching out again to prospective mentors.



Interview Preparation

It is important to reflect on how the prospective mentor's research aligns with your goals and interests; therefore, be sure to bring a short list of questions to ask in addition to your resume and schedule. The interview is crucial to help determine if the project is a proper fit by understanding expectations, potential duties, time commitment, etc.
Toppel Interview Assistance


Final Steps

Throughout the process, it is important to communicate any updates with UGR. This is especially important once you find a mentor as staff will confirm your placement and assist in finalizing any required documents. 

Don't Forget-

  • Presenting your findings is an important part of the research cycle. Once you are at that stage, UGR offers many presentation opportunities!
  • Serve as a resource for other students interested in becoming involved in research during their undergraduate careers.
Research Programs, Conferences, and Other Opportunities