What is Research?

Research is a process of inquiry designed to discover new information.

Research Explained

The word research comes from the French, recerche, to search closely. Research takes on many forms and can vary especially as one crosses disciplines. This video provides an overview of the research process and is helpful to students determining how to incorporate research into their undergraduate career.

Video Courtesy: Brown University Science Cartoons (SciToons) Program

Research By Discipline

It has been established that the meaning of research varies across disciplines; however, the one constant theme is that research is an inquiry-based activity that leads to discovery.  The distinction between a student taking a traditional course and one doing research is that the former is a receptacle of knowledge and the latter is the creator of knowledge.


Fine Arts

The creation of new works and techniques from existing modalities. 


The synthesis of knowledge to create new ideas that can be explored by others. 


Generally follows the hypothetico-deductive method to test predictions deduced from educated guesses called hypotheses.