Conferences and Seminars

2017 ACC Meeting of the Minds ParticipantsA significant benefit of working on a research project is being able to share your discoveries! The Office of Undergraduate Research encourages students to present their projects at professional conferences.

UGR-Sponsored Opportunities

ACC Meeting of the Minds

April 5-7, 2024

Application Deadline: January 22, 2024

Learn More

LSSF STEM Undergraduate Symposium

April 13, 2024

Application Deadline: March 15, 2024
Learn More

Other UM-Sponsored Opportunities

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Additional Conferences- External

Below is a sampling of professional conferences students have represented UM at previously.

If students apply and their original research is accepted to be presented at a conference sponsored by a professional organization or academic institution, they may be eligible for a UGR Travel Grant

For more research opportunities, including summer programs, visit our Research Opportunities Board for current postings.

