UM College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) sponsors the following summer research programs. CAS undergraduate freshmen, sophomores, and juniors can apply to pursue special intensive learning experiences beyond the traditional classroom setting. Such opportunities may include, but are not limited to, summer lab research, fieldwork, internships, and archival research.
The National Science Foundation created the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program in order to involve students in meaningful ways in ongoing research programs so as to attract talented students into careers in science and engineering. UM currently offers two REU opportunities.
The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis at the University of Miami-Miller School of Medicine is the world’s most comprehensive research center specializing in spinal cord injury. Click here to learn more about the project and apply!
UM Department of Psychology administers the following summer research programs. Psychology Research Initiatives Mentorship Experience (PRIME) (PRIME) began as part of a nationwide effort to increase minority participation in the psycho-biomedical sciences; however, it was later expanded to include students from all racial and ethnic backgrounds. The PRIME program is a 10 week summer research program designed for students who intend to apply to Ph.D. programs. Throughout this program, students are required to work 35 hours per week on psychological research under the direction of a psychology faculty member. Lois Pope Neuroscience Scholarship A generous endowment made to the University of Miami by our Trustee, Lois Pope, allows neuroscience majors to apply and work on various neuroscience research projects at UM. Participants are required to work 40 hours per week for at least 10 weeks. Visit their website for additional information and to apply!
The project allows students to gain research training and engage in scientific inquiry through participation with UM scientists and staff. Participation involves scientifically sound practices and measurable outcomes in marine conservation biology. The research mission of this program will be to assess the ecology and biology of sharks in relation to urbanization and climate stressors. Research activities will include shark abundance surveys, tagging, and tracking, as well as physiological sampling and associated laboratory analyses.