This page is currently under construction. More information will be added within the coming weeks.

General Questions

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  • What is the Research, Creativity, and Innovation Forum?

    The Research, Creativity, and Innovation Forum (RCIF) is an annual event that allows undergraduate students from all disciplines to present their work to a wide audience comprised of their peers, faculty, staff, and the larger UM community. RCIF celebrates the contributions students have made during their research experiences through the dissemination of knowledge while providing a glimpse into the ongoing projects across all three campuses.

  • Who is eligible to present at the forum?

    • Only currently enrolled undergraduate students are eligible to present.
      • Graduate students, postdocs, staff, and faculty are not permitted to present and should not be included on the application.
    • The research mentor listed on application must be associated with a University of Miami school or department.

  • Where can I find the schedule of the event?

    The presentation schedule will be available on our website, at least one week prior to the event. 



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  • Are there opportunities to volunteer during the event?

    Absolutely! Volunteers play a crucial role in fostering a supportive environment for our undergraduate presenters. Additionally, volunteering serves as an excellent opportunity to gain insight into the extensive range of student projects being conducted across all three campuses. 

    Please visit our volunteer page for more information and to register.
